Managing TSM client options can be quite challenging when they are stored on the TSM client end, such as “/opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.sys” for Unix/Linux or “C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.opt” for Windows. This configuration is common in many TSM environments as the default setup. However, in case you need to exclude specific folders or files from backups on Windows machines and apply this change universally across all systems during the scheduled backup, it becomes very burdensome to manually log in via RDP to each Windows machine and update the dsm.opt file. This task becomes even more complex when dealing with hundreds of Windows servers. The dispersed nature of TSM client options makes it challenging to control and visualize.
To address this issue, the following steps outline how to centrally manage TSM client options on the TSM server, providing a more efficient and streamlined approach.

Step 1. Create the Option Set
Create TSM Client Option Set. Have a good name of Option Set that the similar TSM clients can be grouped and share the TSM Client option. Here in this example, I named UNIX_STANDARD. This can be the Option Set for any UNIX and Linux TSM client have the general and similar settings where there is no specific requirement.
Protect: my_tsmsvr01> Protect: my_tsmsvr01> define cloptset UNIX_STANDARD ANR2046I DEFINE CLOPTSET: Optionset UNIX_STANDARD defined.
Step 2. Add TSM Client Options to the Option Set that just created
Below the commands are how to add TSM client options to Option Set in this example UNIX_STANDARD. Note the lines in blue these are actual TSM client options that can usually be configured on TSM client end. But now these are registered onto TSM server under the name of Option Set UNIX_STANDARD. Later, you can bind this TSM Client Option Set to TSM client node.
define clientopt UNIX_STANDARD CHANGINGRETRIES 4 seqnumber=101 force=yes define clientopt UNIX_STANDARD COMPRESSION off seqnumber=105 force=yes define clientopt UNIX_STANDARD DIRMC DIRMC01 seqnumber=111 force=yes define clientopt UNIX_STANDARD DOMAIN "/myfs01 /myfs02 all-auto-nfs" seqnumber=115 force=yes define clientopt UNIX_STANDARD INCLEXCL "INCLUDE /data1/data2/* My_MGMTCLASS01" seqnumber=121 force=yes define clientopt UNIX_STANDARD INCLEXCL "EXCLUDE /data9/.../* " seqnumber=125 force=yes define clientopt UNIX_STANDARD MAXCMDRETRIES 8 seqnumber=131 force=yes define clientopt UNIX_STANDARD RESOURCEUTILIZATION 5 seqnumber=135 force=yes define clientopt UNIX_STANDARD RETRYPERIOD 15 seqnumber=141 force=yes define clientopt UNIX_STANDARD SCHEDMODE prompted seqnumber=145 force=yes define clientopt UNIX_STANDARD TXNBYTELIMIT 25600 seqnumber=151 force=yes
Note the two options at the end of the command define clientopt
Seqnumber=nnn This is optional. But it's recommended to better align the TSM client options in certain order sequence. Most TSM client options okay without the certain order sequence but Include and Exclude options should carefully be aligned. When backup initiated, TSM client reads Client Option file dsm.sys(Unix/Linux) or dsm.opt(Windows) starting from bottom to top. Depending on how you to align Include Exclude options, result may be different than what you think. The same rule applies here in Client Option Set from bottom to top. force=yes This is optional. When you configured differently for the same option at both TSM client end and TSM Client Option Set. This option tells TSM which one it should take. From TSM Client? or TSM Client Option Set on TSM server? Having force=yes, TSM Client Option Set becomes a winner. For example, you configured SCHEMODE Polling on TSM client dsm.sys and SCHEDMODE prompted on TSM client option set with force=yes, TSM processes SCHEMODE in prompted manner.
Step 3. View TSM Client Option Set
Run query cloptset to see all TSM client options properly listed under Client Option Set.
Protect: my_tsmsvr01>query cloptset UNIX_STANDARD Optionset Description Last Update by Managing profile Replica Option (administrator) Set ------------------------- ------------------------- --------------- -------------------- --------------- UNIX_STANDARD ADMIN No Option Sequenc- Use Optio- Option Value e number n Set Value (FORCE) ------------------------- -------- ---------- ------------------------------------------------------------ CHANGINGRETRIES 101 Yes 4 COMPRESSION 105 Yes off DIRMC 111 Yes DIRMC01 DOMAIN 115 Yes /myfs01 /myfs02 all-auto-nfs INCLEXCL 121 Yes INCLUDE /data1/data2/* My_MGMTCLASS01 INCLEXCL 125 Yes EXCLUDE /data9/.../* MAXCMDRETRIES 131 Yes 8 RESOURCEUTILIZATION 135 Yes 5 RETRYPERIOD 141 Yes 15 SCHEDMODE 145 Yes prompted TXNBYTELIMIT 151 Yes 25600 Protect: my_tsmsvr01>
Step 4. Update TSM Client Node to use TSM client option set
Below is how to bind TSM client option set to TSM client node
Protect: my_tsmsvr01> update node my_tsmclnt01 cloptset=UNIX_STANDARD ANR2063I Node MY_TSMCLNT01 updated. Protect: my_tsmsvr01> select node_name,option_set from nodes where node_name='MY_TSMCLNT01' NODE_NAME: MY_TSMCLNT01 OPTION_SET: UNIX_STANDARD
NOTE! Not all TSM client options can be configured on TSM servers Client Option Set. Below is the list of TSM client options can be added to TSM client Option Set. For more details, Refer to the link –>
Changingretries Collocatebyfilespec Compressalways Compression Deduplication Dirmc Disablenqr Diskcachelocation Domain Domain Domain.image Domain.nas Encryptiontype Encryptkey Inclexcl maxcandprocs maxmigrators Memoryefficientbackup Postschedulecmd/Postnschedulecmd Postsnapshotcmd Preschedulecmd/Prenschedulecmd Preservelastaccessdate Presnapshotcmd Queryschedperiod Quiet Resetarchiveattribute Resourceutilization Retryperiod Schedmode Scrolllines Scrollprompt Snapshotcachesize Snapshotproviderfs Snapshotproviderimage Subdir Tapeprompt Txnbytelimit Verbose Vmchost Vmcpw Vmcuser Vmlist Vmprocessvmwithindependent Vmprocessvmwithprdm